
Since the 1950s, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines presents every World Business Class passenger with a Delft Blue miniature house. Each replica depicts a real monument or national landmark. Over the years, the iconic Delft Blue collection has become an unrivaled phenomenon in the world of travel. The beautiful canal houses and sumptuous mansions were mainly built during the Dutch Golden Age. Prominent inhabitants like the Dutch Marco Polo, members of the royal family, Rembrandt, Anne Frank and Mata Hari made their mark on Dutch history, and added color and luster to the country. The high-end coffee table book ‘Kingdom by the Sea’ (edition 2018) offers an exclusive peak into the lives of people who pushed the boundaries of a country limited in size but great in hopes and dreams.




From the 17th century onwards, Dutch merchants and traders have traveled the seven seas in search of new opportunities. In the Golden Age, Amsterdam became the warehouse of the world and the gateway to Europe. At the same time, Dutch scientists unravelled the mysteries of daily life, while painters presented a new vision of reality and changed the world of art. The inspiring stories of courageous pioneers, innovative entrepreneurs, talented artists and other notable characters have captured our imagination for centuries. Their spirit of innovation, multiculturalism and creativity have been essential to transform the Netherlands into a cosmopolitan melting pot.

Since the 1950s, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines presents every World Business Class passenger with a Delft Blue miniature house. Each replica depicts a real monument or national landmark. Over the years, the iconic Delft Blue collection has become an unrivaled phenomenon in the world of travel. The beautiful canal houses and sumptuous mansions were mainly built during the Dutch Golden Age. Prominent inhabitants like the Dutch Marco Polo, members of the royal family, Rembrandt, Anne Frank and Mata Hari made their mark on Dutch history, and added color and luster to the country.

This high-end coffee table book ‘Kingdom by the Sea’ (editon 2018) offers an exclusive peak into the lives of people who pushed the boundaries of a country limited in size but great in hopes and dreams. Have a great flight through 500 years of Dutch cultural heritage, and a safe landing at a Delft blue destination.

Reviews on Amazon:

Nicola McSwain: Absolutely beautiful book! As one loves Dutch history & who’s ancestry is half Dutch, this book was worth every penny!


TJ Tewi Tsewi:‘So intriguing that I couldn’t stop reading until I finished. I would recommend this to anyone who loves travel, art and history… ’


Ashley @ Love, Life & Book Lust‘: An impressive and beautifully illustrated book that will have you turning the pages for hours… ’‘… beautifully done, with amazing images and stunning details… ’


JK from the UK:‘I tried skimming it and found I got sucked into the wonderful stories―it was that engaging’.Bilioph88:‘This book is such a delight! The author leads us on a fascinating tale that covers in detail the wonderful culture, art, architecture and history of the Netherlands’. ‘A charming and truly captivating read’.


Barbara L:‘The writing includes behind-the-scenes history and tidbits that make history interesting and increases one’s knowledge and understanding of the Dutch and their country’.


John Kwok:‘I have to praise Mark Zegeling for writing a compelling look at both Dutch architecture and history, written in a lively, often engaging, prose style. This book is worthy of many a reader’s attention’.


Andre Paul:‘The author’s enthusiasm and curiosity oozes through every page of the book’.‘Of course if you collect KLM pieces, this is a must; but anyone with an interest in history, stories about people, peculiar incidents, or just something to grab when you want to spend ten minutes being entertained, this is a definite “Buy Signal” from me. Enjoy!’


Nicole:‘… very well written and easy to follow along. I loved it. I would definitely recommend!’


WRS Lover:‘Excellent book that ties the KLM houses with the history of the Netherlands presented in a wonderful way’.